On Nov. 5, we will have a special event, Science and Imagination. One of the speakers, Mike Tanenhaus, will lead a seminar discussion at a working lunch from 12-2pm in the Humanities Institute Conference Room, 4th Fl. Babbidge Library. Mike’s talk at the Science and Imagination event focuses on the report, ‘Science — the Endless Frontier’ (see report and his abstract below).
- 12-2 PM, UConn Humanities Institute Conference Room, 4th Floor, Babbidge Library
- Led by Mike Tanenhaus (U. Rochester, 2018 winner of the Rumelhart Prize)
- Participants should read the report ‘Science — the Endless Frontier‘ (which led to the founding of the National Science Foundation), in advance of the meeting. Mike’s talk at the Science and Imagination afternoon event focuses on this report (see his abstract here). Our working lunch will give you an opportunity to do a “deep dive” into this report with Mike. If time permits, we will talk about ways we can impact public support for science locally, nationally, and globally.
- Click here to register for this discussion and lunch with Mike Tanenhaus