APA Format for Citations


1-Journal articles in refereed publications

Altmann, G.T. (2017). Abstraction and generalization in statistical learning: implications for the relationship between semantic types and episodic tokens. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 372(1711), 20160060.

2-Journal articles in non-refereed publications
Same as refereed publications


Naigles, L.R. (Ed.) (2017). Innovative Investigations of Language in Autism Spectrum Disorder. New York, NY: APA Books/Walter deGruyter. ISBN: 9783110409789.

4-Book chapters

Bobaljik, J.D., & & Harley, H. (2017). Suppletion is local: Evidence from Hiaki. In H. Newell, M. Noonan, G. Piggott, & L. Travis (Eds.), The structure of words at the interfaces (pp. 141-159). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN-13: 9780198778271.

5-Patent applications

Lou, M., (2013) US Patent Application No. 9,876,543

6-Patents awarded

Large, E.W. (2016). System and method for processing acoustic signals which enable a learned response the the input and cochlear modeling in gradient frequency nonlinear oscillator networks. Japanese Patent No. 2012-551347. Tokyo: Japanese Patent Office.

7-Conference publications (in proceedings, with page numbers)

Carrigan E., & Coppola M. (2016, March). Interaction alone cannot support the emergence of a spatial agreement system in a paired interaction context. In S. Roberts & G. Mills (Eds.) Proceedings of EvoLang XI, Language Adapts to Interaction Workshop. Available online: http://evolang.org/neworleans/workshops/papers/LATI_6.html

8-Conference presentations. 

Abdel-Aziz, A., Wagner, M., Fein, D., & Naigles, L. (2016, May). High and lower order supported joint attention in autism and typical development. Poster presented at the International Meetings for Autism Research, Baltimore, MD.