UConn Domestic Travel Reopening FAQs
Updated: July 6, 2021
1) Who will be able to travel as a part of the reopening?
- We anticipate that all faculty, post docs, students, and staff will be able to undertake domestic travel for work related purposes immediately.
- All travel should be pre-approved in Concur, in accordance with University policy.
2) Where am I able to travel as part of the reopening?
- Only domestic travel is included at present in the reopening.
- No travel waiver is required for travel to Puerto Rico.
- International, university sponsored travel by faculty, staff and students requires additional approvals by Global Affairs and remains subject to COVID restrictions. Information relating to international travel can be found here.
- If you are a faculty member, staff, student, or postdoc wishing to travel internationally, you must complete a Travel Request in Concur and attach the COVID19 Travel Waiver Request to the Concur Travel Request. This form is found in the Travel Services website. If traveling to a State Dept. designated Level 3 or 4 country, a Travel Waiver from Global Affairs is required.
- No international travel should be scheduled without a fully approved travel request in Concur and the Global Affairs Travel Waiver (where applicable).
3) Can I still obtain support to attend conferences or other professional development activities remotely?
- The University continues to encourage the attendance of conferences and seminars remotely, where this option is available.
4) Does my vaccination status make any difference in my ability to travel?
- Reopening guidelines are uniform, regardless of vaccination status.
- Vaccination status may have implications for international travel or specific requirements related to quarantine periods prior to returning to campus (for information on return to campus after travel please see Human Resources.
5) Will students be able to travel as a part of this reopening?
- University sponsored out-of-state student travel will be open effective 7/1/21.
- All University sponsored travel including students and guests are required to follow UConn’s travel policies found at Travel Services. Individual programs and units may continue to enforce their own restrictions.
6) Do I need to self-quarantine when I return from travel?
- Please review and adhere to Human Resources latest guidelines related to out-of-state travel and required quarantine or email hr@uconn.edu with specific questions.
7) If my travel is several months in advance and I want to plan my trip now, what should I do?
- All travel must be pre-approved in Concur prior to departure, so we encourage the submission of a Concur request well ahead of planned travel.
- We highly encourage all faculty, post docs, researchers, students and staff to utilize the University’s travel agency, Anthony Travel, on the Travel Services website, when ready to book any travel. If your plans have to change, Anthony Travel can work on your behalf to rebook tickets or obtain credits for any canceled flights. As we anticipate continued COVID-19-related uncertainty, booking with Anthony Travel will provide the best support for travelers.
- As part of the planning process, prospective travelers should plan ahead and apply for the University’s Travel Card (T-Card) and attend either a full training on travel or refresher training found at Travel Services. (Please note, Pro-Cards can no longer be used for travel related expenditures. Pro-Cards can still be used to purchase conference registrations, and we highly encourage travelers who have been issued Travel Cards to use the Travel Card to purchase their conference registrations.)
- International travel will continue to require pre-approval and a waiver from Global Affairs. (Please see #3 above for more information).
8) What if I choose to drive instead of fly to my domestic destination when flying would normally be the most economical option?
- You must contact Travel Services in advance of planning your trip to review options for traveling not by air to your destination and what would be allowed for reimbursement in accordance with University policy.
9) Can I go on personal travel for vacation?
- The travel reopening guidelines do not apply to personal travel. Please follow appropriate guidelines from Human Resources.
Important Contacts:
Provost’s Office : provost@uconn.edu
Global Affairs: global@uconn.edu
Human Resources: hr@uconn.edu
Travel Services: travel@uconn.edu
Accounts Payable: apinquiries@uconn.edu
OVPR (includes AAUP/OVPR Faculty Travel Fund): research@uconn.edu