
ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS through February 1, 2020 for mentors sponsoring trainees (potential fellows of associates) to start fall 2020 (you can apply to be a faculty affiliate any time if you are not sponsoring a trainee)


  • A new interdisciplinary PhD training program that builds on the success of the Neurobiology of Language training program, but with a focus on learning and science communication
  • Funded by an NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) grant
  • $3M over 5 years
  • Will fund 25 one-year fellowships, as well as innovation incentive funds, travel and other opportunities for fellows and associate trainees


  • Anyone from the following Divisions/Academic Programs (PSYC:BNS, PSYC:CLIN, PSYC:DEV, PSYC:L&C, LING, SLHS, ESPY, GGS)
  • Mentors submit an application in parallel with  student
  • Mentors who do not (yet) have a SLAC-eligible student are also encouraged to apply
  • Mentors commit to supporting/participating in the SLAC program


  • Be available to serve as a breadth mentor to a student from a different program of study
  • Commit to serving on at least one committee  (Diversity, Events, Curriculum, Outreach, Speaker Series, etc.)
  • Attend the weekly SLAC talks and other events as often as possible
  • Volunteer for at least one of the following;
    • Lead one or more  sessions in the Professional Development seminar
    • Guest lecture in the SLAC seminar (on learning or communication)
    • Co-teach Outreach Seminar
    • Help organize J-Term (our January session tutorials and workshops)
    • Lead a research Challenge Team (more information coming soon)
    • Open your lab meeting/research meeting to SLAC students and faculty

Email for further information