Salary Negotiation with Tammie Spaulding November 20, 2020
Abstracting skills from your academic CV to a non-academic career focused resume with Andrew Stokesbury, Oct 30, 2020 Magnolia Innovation – Career Advice
Salary Negotiation – Arjona 307, 3/10/2020, 10-11 (Anne Krook) Start video at 4:40 mins in – Salary Negotiation Recording
Transition out of Academia into the Private Sector – Arjona 307, 11/12/2019, 10-11:30 am (Andrew Stokesbury, Magnolia Innovation)
Talk Shop ‘Abstracting your Skills’ Bousfield A106 – 10/14/2019 (Anne Krook) — Anne Krook, presented a 45 minute webex at Talk Shop 10/14/2019 on ‘Abstracting your Skills’ for Job Searching Outside of the Academy-click here for the recording. Slides follow;
‘Job Searching Outside of the Academy‘ Konover Auditorium – 9/27/2019 (Anne Krook)
Science of Learning & Art of Communication (SLAC), sponsored the event, Job Searching Outside of the Academy, in collaboration with the UConn Center for Career Development, the UConn Health Center, and the UConn Graduate School that took place on Friday 9/27/19.Anne Krook shared how to conduct a job search outside of the academy with the graduate students and postdocs at UConn Storrs Konover Auditorium and with a classroom at UCHC via a two way live stream. – this is a must see for any graduate student considering conducting a job search outside of academia.
If you were unable to attend, click Career Workshop Recording to view and click here to view the slides, templates and resume related to the workshop.