Talk Shop NBL/SLAC

All meetings are in Bousfield A106 at 12:20-1:10 on Mondays. Please keep in mind seating, lighting, pacing and slide design concerns regarding accessibility.

Talk Shop Spring 2020


Date Presenter Title Discussant
8/31/2020 Theodore/Magnuson Planning Meeting
9/07/2020 n/a Labor Day n/a
9/14/2020 Ashley Parker Comparisons of Auditory Brainstem Responses Between a Laboratory and Simulated Home Environment Jason Crutcher
9/21/2020 Sarah Asinari What we can learn from Dialectal American English: An Investigation into Wh-Quantifier Float Noelle Wig
9/28/2020 Kaidi Chen The effect of Fundamental Frequency on Mandarin Intelligibility by L2 Learners in Quiet and Noise Environment: A pilot study Emily Myers
10/05/2020 Hannah Morrow: DEI Committee Ibram X Kendi’s How to Be an Antiracist Book Discussion
10/12/2020 Nikole Giovannone Individual differences in lexical contributions to speech perception Meaghan Perdue
10/19/2020 Phoebe Gaston The role of syntactic context in auditory word recognition Sahil Luthra
10/26/2020 Lee Drown Validation of two measures for assessing English word knowledge in web-based studies Ashley Parker
11/02/2020 Jason Crutcher Lee Drown
11/23/2020 n/a Thanksgiving n/a
11/30/2020 Meaghan Purdue